dbConnect: MySQL for Humans

Release v1.6.0. (Installation)


dbConnect is an MPLv2 Licensed Module for little projects using mysql database. It generates mysql queries automatically, you just send data in pythonic style and it does the rest.

>>> from dbConnect import DBConnect
>>> database = DBConnect('credentials.json')
>>> users = database.fetch('users', limit=5, filters={'status': 'active'})
>>> new_user = {'name': 'Emin', 'status': 'active', 'company': 'pyninjas'}
>>> database.insert(new_user, 'users')

Feature Support

  • fetch all fields in table as dictionary (column name: value)
  • fetch only selected fields
  • fetch using filters
  • limit fetch result
  • filter case [AND, OR]
  • insert to table
  • update row
  • delete row
  • custom sql query